Tuesday 29 September 2015

Forgetting something?

Why is diet so important in being fit and healthy?

"Its not a diet, its a lifestyle" - unknown.

One of the hardest things about being healthy and staying healthy is defiantly the constant healthy diet. For a lot of people who are exercising, it’s about losing weight and being happy with your body image. Sadly, a lot of people who are under this impression that all you have to do is exercise, they are wrong. Loosing or maintaining weight is 70% diet, 30% exercise. So, for those thinking you can eat MacDonald’s and have their ideal body and be healthy, they might need to take a step back into reality. One of my favourite concepts is that if you’re putting crap into your body, crap is going to come out. Alternatively, if you’re putting healthy things in, good things will come out of it.

From personal experiences, eating healthy is hard and expensive especially if you’re working full time or a full time student. Finding the time to prepare your meals and make sure their healthy can be difficult but to have successful weight loss, you need to find time. One of the most common mistakes people do when losing weight is eating the wrong foods during the wrong part of the day. For example. For breakfast, you can never go wrong with having an omelet with baby spinach, tomatoes, mushroom etc. gives you the proteins your body needs to start your day. Breakfast should also be the biggest meal of the day! Between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner you should be having a small snack, such as a handful full of almonds or some fruit but not having large amounts that it’s like eating another meal. For lunch, THIS IS WHEN YOU SHOULD BE EATING HEAVY MEALS! NOT AT DINNER! This is the time where you can have your meal of pasta, rice, meats etc. as it gives your body time to process it before sleep. For dinner, this is the opportunity to have a salad and some light fish. You don’t want to be filling up your body before sleep as it doesn't give your body a rest. Another thing which people have a good tendency to do is not drink enough water during the day. An individual person should be drinking 2-3 litres a day depending on how active you are that day, so it’s time to cut out those soft drinks and replace them with water! And most importantly, SLEEP! For successful weight loss, having a minimum 8 hours sleep a night is recommended giving your body a sufficient time to recover and prepare for the next day!

Hopefully this helps some readers understand the diet side of weight loss and maintenance and when you should be eating what. Following this type of diet regime, and keeping it clean, be ready to see the results.

KEEP FIT, EAT WELL, STAY HEALTHY! #quickfitfitness

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