Saturday 19 September 2015

F45 Training

One of the biggest struggles that everyone faces when starting a new workout regime is finding motivation and sticking to goals. On cold, early mornings, its easy for the best of us to reach over and hit the snooze button on our alarm rather than reaching for our joggers and heading out to the gym. The easiest way to combat this is group training. When you have the support of others around you, the prospect of sticking to a workout routine becomes so much more realistic, and you no longer have to rely entirely on yourself for motivation.
F45 training is a new program that involves workouts in group environments that are innovative and constantly changing so you are sure to never get bored of doing the same routine over and over again.

Originating in Australia, this exciting exercise program is designed by the best in the business and aims to get you the results that you want and deserve. "F45 is not a gym!" With over 100 franchises open across the world (after just one year) and with this number growing, you can be sure to find the perfect location to push yourself to achieve your fitness goals while having fun and meeting new people.

This revolutionary way of working out is designed for people of all fitness and skill levels. Even if you've never stepped foot into a gym before, F45 aims at developing individual strength and fitness through regular sessions and group motivation. Regularity is key!
I've heard nothing but positive feedback from people who've had the F45 experience. It's affordable. It's motivational. It's fun. It works!
If you're interested in giving it a try, you can find more information at or you can find them on Facebook.
Here's a look at what you can expect from an F45 class...
- Megan Stewart

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